Wednesday, December 3, 2008

if you greatly desire something, have the guts to stake anything on obtaining it.

(Brendon Francis)

So, tonight while discussing what i'd like to do for my birthday party (skating party on the lake? sounds like good old-fashioned fun to me!!!) Jarid.... lets just say he kind of let the cat of the bag about my birthday...

(Insert swooning, puppy-eyed happy dance here)

He told me I could do it whenever, except for the 19th or 20th... (please note that is a Monday, Tuesday this upcoming year) So, I guess he was planning on talking to my manager about me taking two days off without telling me about it... OOOOOOOO planning ahead... He's planning something romantic & obviously SO WELL!!!

Its for reasons like this... the consideration... the planning... the thought out into a project; that makes me fall head over heels for Jarid all over again.

So much so that the tough-guy act, grumpy pants show... it doesn't even cross my mind.

Becuase I know in my heart of hearts... he's willing to become what I need in a life partner...
He is who I want to be with....

Now off to bed to curl up with my sleeping prince....

1 comment:

Manderz said...


That's super cute...and exciting!! Can't wait to hear what he has up his sleeve.

Good job on the posting! I like this - something to read before I go to bed at night.