Tuesday, December 9, 2008

the most beautiful adventures are not those we go seek

(Robert Louis Stevenson)

My mom and I were talking when she came to BVille to come visit me. We spoke of work, life, hobbies, dreams... and Christmas. Must in every conversation was an undertone, or a main topic of where my family is right now...

Mom, alone, in the house we grew up in

Myself, moved in with Jarid & our critters almost 3 hours from home

My brother, living with a roomie downtown, emotionally removed from the family situation

Then my father, gone completely off the deep end, moving around & wearing a mullet-wig for halloween, stretching his freedom, hurting us all.

Through all of this...
I've been sticking by Mom, she was blindsided by this... she stood by him all those years... and then he off & fucks off... leaves her in an empty home, with both kids moved out.

I've been trying to stay in touch with my brother... he is distant though, off in his own little world of school. I almost envy is focus. his ability to detatch.

I've been making an effort to not completely hate my father... I can't say anything about him right now that I may not regret saying later... so I'll leave it at that.

So when mom & I were midconversation, I told her that out of all of the incomes we've seen so far with him leaving... that I am so Thankful that we are getting closer than ever before!
I'm so amazed by it... that soon I will write a blog just about that!!!

I saw this postcard on PostSecret today.
And when I read it, I smiled to myself...
Because I've already made this my #1 priority this Christmas
And that only shows how far Mom & I have come together through this!

Its going to be very tough this holiday season... but I am willing & ready to make it a memorable one for Mom... hopefully make her laugh... smile... and spend a few carefree evenings with family, food & friends!


Hope this secret ties this blog up.,...
like a fancy ribbon....
on a gift, straight from the heart...

good night!


Manderz said...

I'm really happy to hear you and your mom are getting closer.

Pretty pathetic comment - but I don't really know what else to say.


E.N.M said...

....and that's how it should be!

Reading that just makes me think about my relationship with myself and my own ma!

There is nothing better then the bond between mother and daughter and to know it's getting better between the two of you makes it that much more....